It’s all a blur!
Okay not really. But none of it was written down. Yet.
These were the years I rebooted. Everything. My perspective changed, literally and figuratively.
I woke up.
Now my life is now unlike anything I’d ever imagined. In a good way. 😉
I have a lot to say about it, and most likely I will. In the meantime, here is one of the many inspirations that continue to drive me.
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“What kind of movie is it?”
A simple question, best answered simply. In describing Darkening Sky, “A horror/thriller with elements of sci-fi” comes close, and seems to be the approach being taken in marketing the film. But I prefer, “A psychological thriller wrapped in a story about alien abduction.” A bit narrower, yes, but more accurate. Darkening Sky actually has more in common with Shutter Island or Black Swan than, say, Communion or Fire In The Sky (or more recently, The Fourth Kind). Yes, there are wild UFO theories, and even aliens, but to call it a movie about alien abduction would be like calling Black Swan a movie about ballet. (Ahem: spoiler alert?)
Darkening Sky was conceived with the idea that people who do horrible things usually don’t regard themselves as horrible. For them, their actions and responses might seem perfectly reasonable. Or at least defensible, given the circumstances. So, what if a man obsessed with proving something false (i.e., alien abduction) was forced to deal with circumstances that left no other possible explanation? And what if that obsession was a bit more — let’s say, “complicated” — than he is letting on? That sounded like fun to me! And that’s the story I tried to tell.
Which brings us to the problem of Expectations. Mixing genres is all well and good, but once a film is released to the wild for viewing by everyone, it introduces the potential problem of building anticipation for one thing, but delivering something else. Managing expectations is of course easier when millions of dollars are being thrown at marketing. But a little indie film might understandably have a tougher time of it. Fair enough. So far, early reviewers of Darkening Sky seem willing to critique the movie on its own merits, which is great. One thoughtful reviewer described it as, “…mixing that genre [ufos] with another which shall remain nameless so that I don’t spoil the movie.” Well put! And no spoiler necessary.
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The Darkening Sky DVD hit the proverbial shelves a few days ago. (Note: Distributors release films when it works best for them, not as soon as it’s delivered, which for us was way back in Spring). That means “it’s out there”, which means reviewers will (hopefully) be letting us know what they thought. Yikes, but at this point I’m so far into The Next Thing(s) that I’m way less concerned about what this might portend that I thought I’d be. Still…
Anyway here’s the first review I came across (thanks Google Alerts!). If the annoying POP-UP AD window doesn’t put you off (you can dismiss it as soon as it loads), you’ll find that the reviewer actually wrote a very thoughtful critique to go along with his 3 out of 4 stars. Sounds like a screenwriter himself (taking me to task on structure, specific acts, etc.). Bless him for taking the time to watch, digest, and put his thoughts in order.
For me the most exciting thing about filmmaking is having smart people get involved with your work. It starts with offering feedback on a concept, progresses to reacting to drafts of the script. Then once you have a movie rolling, you have brilliant creatives weighing in, picking apart the script and the vision as pertains to their particular field — strong opinions about everything from who might be best to cast in a role to which story nuances might need clarification (or toning down!). Eventually you get input on how a certain character should look, what they should wear, what the set should look like, etc., etc., etc… I suppose reviewers are the very last part of that chain — opining on how it all turned out.
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Yesterday I was fortunate enough to attend this year’s DGA symposium featuring all five Best Director noms.* I’m usually terrible about keeping track of who exactly did what when, and didn’t fully register until I was seated that 4 of the 5 present were responsible for movies ranking high on my personal All-Time Faves list.** We arrived early and were rewarded with excellent seats just a few rows back. Extended clips were played from each director’s current (nominated) work, followed by an extended panel interview moderated by veteran director Jeremy Kagan.
The whole thing was absolutely riveting, with open-ended, essay-style questions prompting excellent discussion on process and technique and also addressing many of the practical/mundane realities of filmmaking typically not discussed in conventional settings. Answers were thorough, candid and articulate, directed to an audience of — okay, if not exactly “peers,” then at least fellow filmmakers, enabling the use of a kind of shorthand that made it possible for the panel to respond with satisfying depth and clarity.
Running just over 3 hours, the event was, of course, thoroughly entertaining and inspiring. It was also incredibly validating. Filmmaking is a pursuit that can inspire endless second-guessing and self-doubt… but leaves little room for either. So it was particularly interesting to hear from people very much at the top of their game discuss their own feelings, thoughts and approaches so openly. I left with many of my own ideas and instincts reaffirmed, others challenged in intriguing ways, and brilliant alternatives to others. Fincher was a total cutup; Nolan just as austere and articulate as ever. Aronofsky was surprisingly open and down to earth, Hooper clear and earnest, and Russell brought the house down with his response to a question regarding handling anger on set: “This question doesn’t really apply to me,” he deadpanned, then went on to humbly discuss his famous explosion with disarming humility.
* thanks to my good friend Martin!
** R-L in pic: Memento, Requiem for a Dream, Fight Club, Three Kings
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Harsh. That’s what I always think when I hear the old saw, “Those who can’t do, teach.” It sounds so mean, I have a hard time saying it out loud. Now John August, whose blog I thoroughly love and appreciate (along with his writing) has weighed in on the idea, using this guy’s rant as a starting point for a more measured take. To be fair, the main target is script consultants, but August goes on to paint all “how-to” folk (book writers, script consultants, seminar-givers) with a broad brush:
“I don’t endorse any of them. I haven’t found any I’d recommend to readers.”
I’m a little shocked that of all the screenwriting books out there — and there are plenty — John is unable to find even one he can recommend (I have found many to be helpful in simply providing an alternate POV on the work, a useful exercise whether I agree with the author’s conclusions/assertions or not). But then August comes right back with his reasonable awesomeness with something I can whole-heartedly agree with:
“I think you can learn from people who have spent a long time analyzing a craft, even if they’re not particularly good at practicing it.”
This is what has always bothered me about “Those who can’t do, teach.” There can be great insight gained from methodical analysis of any technique… Even writing. But sadly, not everyone who gains insights into how something is done is actually cut out to do the thing themselves! We all know the gap between what we can appreciate and what we can pull off; that maddening gap that keeps us working and striving so that one day, if we are fortunate, we might create something that closes it.
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Yay! Participating in the Hollywood Film Festival was tons of fun. Heartfelt thanks to all who showed up, either in person or in spirit, to lend their support. Huge thanks, also, to my producer and all of the brilliant people involved in making Darkening Sky a reality.

But there were some technical issues. With picture and sound. A two-fer! Turns out that the HDCAM deck used for projection was, for some reason, set with Very Dark gamma, resulting in brightness/contrast levels that crushed anything remotely “dark” into “pure black.” This meant things that took a long time to get right — a shadowy something creeping across the floor of a room at night, for example — were completely invisible. Some of these were Story Points™. Plus something in the deck’s handling of the stereo/5:1 split made the audio ear-splittingly, painfully LOUD early on.
Now… When people complain about technical issues “wrecking” a film, I’m usually the asshole saying (or at least thinking) something like, “Well, the story either works, or it doesn’t.” Egad. Well, I’m happy (mostly) to report that I was (mostly) able to embrace this idea myself and (mostly) relax and move on. The performances ultimately came through and carried the day. The story I intended to tell was told. And by all reports, it made sense and was entertaining. Still, here is how I imagined a post-festival interview might have gone.

The screening and pre/post hangs were great fun, and the Hollywood Awards Gala was also great fun — of a different kind. Me and the Missus got to play dress-up and enjoy an open-bar, nice dinner, award ceremony and after-party (more open bar) at the Beverly Hilton… Along with a surprising array of stars I actually like, including, but not limited to: Helena Bonham Carter, Sean Penn, Sam Rockwell, Jodie Foster, Halle Berry, Aaron Sorkin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Christopher Nolan, Justin Long, Andrew Garfield, Annette Benning, Zach Galifianakis, Morgan Freeman and Robert Duvall. Yikes. Being there at all would have been a thrill; being there as a filmmaker was completely awesome and inspiring.
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Here it comes! The movie, finally, up on the Big Screen, at the Arclight Hollywood on Friday Oct. 22 at 9PM.
Getcher tickets right here. And be sure to stick around for the Q&A after (assuming there is one!), to ask weird/non-sequitur questions.
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This just in: Darkening Sky is a finalist in the 2010 Hollywood Film Festival.
The festival runs Oct. 22-25 at the Hollywood Arclight. Yay! Our first festival, and it’s right here in town, at my favorite venue to see movies.
Specifics (date/time) coming soon. Hope to see you there!
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I was a musician in a former lifetime, and playing in bands was a blast — but it did something kind of sad: It killed my ability to get lost in music and just “be a fan.” I remember listening to records with religious fervor, getting lost in a magical world that inspired me to be a part of it. But doing that for real meant stripping away a lot of the gloss; pretty soon watching even a favorite band live felt more like homework than a magical experience. I played way more than I listened, and the bands I loved shrank down to a handful. Then years later when design replaced music for me, I helped publish a local alternative music magazine, and the hipsters writing and editing the mag — including my girlfriend at the time — turned me on to all kinds of amazing music… We were able to catch many of these acts live and in small venues, and at some point I realized it was back: I was able to be a fan again!
Some time after that, a similar sort of inspiration moved me to try my hand at something else: I wanted to be a filmmaker. Many years — and literally thousands of screenplay pages + several short films later — here I am with my first feature. Getting here involved making a study of film; watching any movie (even a “bad” one) was interesting and very often enlightening. My fear, of course, was that the process would render me unable to “just enjoy” movies as I once had.
But fortunately, this has not been the case. Sure, it’s a little more difficult for a film to successfully pull me in, and I have a sharper reaction to crappy (or even un-awesome) filmmaking — but when it clicks, damn, it clicks even bigger. It’s like gaining some idea of just how impossibly difficult it is to scrabble something together that even works a little has made it that much more exhilarating when a film actually fires on all cylinders. I have somehow retained the capacity to be utterly blown away by movies. I’m still a fan!
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It’s done! Yes, the film is done, made, finished, complete, wrapped. I know this because at my writer’s group meeting a couple of weeks ago — when they ask if anyone has any announcements — I finally raised my hand and said that I’d just finished my first feature film. Because it was actually finished… Like, finished finished, as in through with post-production, with screeners making the rounds to various distributors (so everybody visualize whirled peas!).
Why no hollering from rooftops? Well, “finishing” turned out to be a little softer than I’d imagined, trickier to nail down than other phases of the operation. Like, say, wrapping the shoot, where cast and crew are not showing up tomorrow and it’s hugs all ’round. No, it’s more like scooting away from your desk late one night, hitting “render,” then going about your bidneh until this version makes the internal rounds and we’re all happy with it. So over the course of a few days a while back, we were happy with it, and I quietly realized, “So…it’s finished!” Then promptly spaced out, worked on other things, and took a trip to the desert. Now I’m back and we’re still finished. So it’s true!
People say that making a film is more like running a marathon than a doing flashy sprint, and I agree. I’d go one further and say it’s like running a marathon comprised of many, many, little sprints (some flashy, some not), with l-o-n-g breaks in between to assess, review, and prepare for the next. Also, the “finish line” is pretty amorphous and entirely subjective. Kind of “not with a bang, but with a whimper.” Only not as pathetic as that sounds! Plus it’s not “over” yet. Still need to get that distribution deal sorted! Just…one…more…step…!