mi familia 2.0

posted by victor @ 12:03 am August 20, 2008 in life

I wrote about my brush with others sharing my (unusual) last name some time ago. Since then, I’ve encountered a handful of other Bornias via the intertubes, and it’s been interesting.

Recently, I finally started paying attention to my Facebook account (rather than just using it as a lurking passkey). Part of what convinced me was searching my last name on the site… Holy Sh*t! We are legion! And a fine looking group it is, scattered across the globe: LA, NY, Florida, Argentina, France, Vancouver, Australia, Uruguay, Belgium, Montreal…

Lots of them are young; high school or college age, by the looks of it. That’s pretty great. My sibs and I collectively never got around to starting proper families (procreating), and the thought had occasionally crossed my mind that the name might be skittering off this earthly plane along with us.

HA! Fat chance. Now to find out who these people are…


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