
posted by victor @ 10:29 pm September 11, 2008 in life

GoreMy favorite radio show is Left Right and Center. On last week’s episode, I heard something that has resonated with me ever since. The conversation, at one point, led to the observation that, if one were to simply take “the average American voter” and list the major policy positions of Democrats vs. Republicans for him or her, the majority of people will choose Democratic. And yet — Republicans win. Why? WTF is that about?

Tony Blankley (speaking for The Right) answered simply, and candidly. He said that “we” (he, the Republicans) are fortunate enough to be facing a liberal media and a vocal component of the opposition who cannot resist sneering at what 65% of America holds dear (meaning, presumably, guns, religion, “patriotism,” etc.). That’s it. That is why the Republicans can run “stumblebums” (Tony’s word) for office time and time again…and win.

PalinThe response from Robert Scheer (Left) was quick, sharp, and on the money. But…I forget the details. Because it was delivered with the slightest hint of — you guessed it — a sneer. In fact, Tony interrupted Robert’s erudite (and accurate) rant only once, to chuckle that he loves it “when you do that.” The comment went unnoticed because Robert was right, and he knew it. He knew it, I knew it, everyone listening knew it! And we’re all so God damn right that we forget “being right” sometimes doesn’t make a shit bit of difference.

Nobody likes being marginalized, or condescended to, EVEN IF THEY’RE WRONG. So what do they do? They vote for the other guy. Or gal. Even if they don’t entirely agree with him, and even if he’s a stumblebum. Because he (or she) does not sneer at them.


  1. I’m a conservative. A libertarian. I’m sorry, but the reason I vote Republican, is that I want less gov’t, not more. Less nanny-ism, not more. Less of my $ going to gov’t policies that exploit the poor and continue the perpetuation of the victim-class. Sure, the repubs have bought into the populism to maintain power and they should be ashamed. But the philosophy of conservatism is viable and worthy of a debate. Not snickers.

    Why do YOU vote Democrat? Seriously…snickers aside. It gets really old and feels like high school. Though I was in the popular “class” and never “snickered” at anyone with different clothes, or hair or a different POV. Tolerance? Not much of it emanates from the Left & so-called liberals these days.

    a rant… perhaps.

    Comment by KK — September 12, 2008 @ 10:24 pm
  2. I’m a liberal. With, like any homeowner/grownup, libertarian leanings.

    Like most organized religions, both major US parties originated with solid, fundamental truths, and with the noblest of intentions. Unfortunately, what we actually have to vote on today is a far cry (mostly) from these origins. I vote Dem because I believe we are way beyond winding the clock back to “simpler times” (which were anything but) or letting the market decide everything for us. Deregulation is great until greedy, unregulated lenders run the housing market into the ground. The pendulum swings too far one way, correction is called for. Checks and balances, etc.

    I’d like to see the elitist (sneery) edge softened or eliminated from the left, but I’m afraid it’s the nature of the beast… Intellectuals will sneer, and simple folk will rightly be offended. Sometimes, it results in disaster (i.e., the last 8 years). That’s why I like Barrack’s message (think what you will of its sincerity) of moving past snide/cynical political BS and facing facts about what will serve the nation best, regardless of affiliation.

    Comment by VB — September 13, 2008 @ 12:26 am

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