Guitar obsessive (again) and loving it. My "moody duo" has blossomed and matured into a fun and rewarding project (CHANNEL 2) that I am happy and excited to share with…


Already! Update: Married and suburban dwelling in Ventura, CA. Enjoying a second major guitar renaissance with evolving tastes, obsessing and tinkering with gear, discovering inspiring new artists, and playing regularly…


Maggie has a slipper Update/wrapup: Plague Year activities have included getting married (!); rediscovering drawing and painting by hand; writing things; playing lots of guitar (and buying/selling lots of gear);…


So I guess Annually is the new Monthly. Recent headlines include getting engaged to an amazing person, adopting these two little angelic beasties, and getting back into broadcast design and…


I'm not social media-ing much at all anymore, nor blogging (see past efforts here and here). I might again, but for now I'm doing the things I do, loving the people…